HTML 5 and internal datepicker

August 2nd, 2009

As pointed out in an earlier post, HTML5 and the webfont CSS @fontface property will phase out the need for font replacement techniques like sIFR or Cufon.

And another popular javascript driven UI-aid is gonna deprecate soon. The date-picker or calendar tool.

HTML5 that now incorporates the Webform2 specification which has internal support for a calendar tool, range slider and number spinners.

HTML5 datepicker rendered by Opera 10

HTML5 datepicker rendered by Opera 10

Opera is the only browser that has support for Webform now for several years. I made some internal tools that used it.

It so simpel and powerful. And no more localisation issues.

Some examples (need Opera 9+ to see)
With other HTML5 nonsupporting browsers it will degrade to an ordinary input field.


[sourcecode language=’xhtml’]



[sourcecode language=’xhtml’]

*Note the automatically added special email icon in Opera

Number (with automatic spinner)

[sourcecode language=’xhtml’]


Range (slider)

[sourcecode language=’xhtml’]

Default range: 0 – 100. I guess this will be another UI favourite.

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