Posts Tagged ‘Javascript’

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Adding events to elements the simple way, using optional chaining

Thursday, August 11th, 2022

On modern JavaScript driven or enhanced sites the HTML DOM is sprinkled with events.

Since the birth of HTML5, (and decline of the worst (most expensive) browser ever: Microsoft Explorer) the appropriate way of attaching events is using AddEventListener()

document.querySelector('selector').addEventListener('click', function () { console.log("Hi, you clicked") });

This works only if the queried element does exists. Otherwise you”ll get an error and further execution of the script will fail.

So you’ll need to add a conditional check, the querySelector function returns null when the element can’t be found:

if (document.querySelector('selector'))
 document.querySelector('selector').addEventListener('click', function () {
console.log("Hi, you clicked")

Modern JavaScript is developing

But functionality to JavaScript is added every year and now there is a optional chaining and that feature is exactly what we need.

Optional chaining was introduced in ES2020. It’s supported by all modern updated browsers.

Optional chaining

Simply add a ? to a object property or method to check if it is existing.

This will not cause an error if is nullish (not existing)

Using this syntax and arrow functions the new code for attaching an event to an element is:

document.querySelector('selector')?.addEventListener('click', ()=>console.log("Hi, you clicked"));

If the element doesn’t exist, it will not do anything (document.querySelector('selector') is nullish). It won’t cause an error.

Exactly what we need!


What I miss though is something like this:

document.querySelector("#menu-comments a")?.href += "?comment_status=moderated";

Above oneliner is my simple solution to set the default Comments-link in WordPress to show the pending or new comments by default. Most (99%) are SPAM unfortunately, so this way it’s safer to select all and do a bulk action delete permanently or mark as spam.

But above onliner gives an JS error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: invalid assignment left-hand side

To my surprise there was a proposal in the spec to allow this. I would welcome that change, hopefully it will come one day.

I hate writing this verbose conditional:

if (document.querySelector("#menu-comments a"))
document.querySelector("#menu-comments a").href += "?comment_status=moderated";

Maybe I should start writing CoffeeScript or use Babel by default. 😉

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Setting several properties of dataset of any DOM element, writing to the dataset property

Tuesday, June 21st, 2022

One of the greatest additions in writing JS of the last years for writing clean code are arrow functions, classes and several ways of Destructuring assingment.

Arrow functions let you skip, several verbose terms like the function keyword, return keyword and {} character, while maintaining readability. Easy, once you mastered the new syntax!.

What is Destructuring assingment?

Let’s assume you fetch a stock json:

let json= {name:"SHELL PLC",isin:"GB00BP6MXD84",price:"25.00","volume":"2500000",time:"2022-06-22:09-06"}

They old way of dealing with this was to write everything out to assign values to variables:

var name =;
var isin= json.isin
var price = json.price;
var volume=json.volume;
var time = json.time;

Destructuring assingment let you do this more succinct:

let {name,isin,price,volume,time}=json

That is nice code.

Destructuring arrays, or csv rows:

let {name,isin,price,volume,time}=row.split(",")

Sure there is more on parsing cvs rows than just splitting on “,” but this is an example and you get the drift. When you totally control the csv file, using “,” only as separator, it should do the job.

Writing to the datatset property?

I dearly miss something for setting the dataset property of an element concisely.

The dataset read-only property of the HTMLElement interface provides read/write access to custom data attributes (data-*) on elements.

Note: The dataset property itself can be read, but not directly written. Instead, all writes must be to the individual properties within the dataset, which in turn represent the data attributes.

So you can’t simply do something like this:


You have to write it all out, and that is  verbose:

let elStock = document.querySelector("#stock");

Well there is a workaround.

Imitate writing to the dataset property directly, Object.assign()

According to the specs you can’t directly write the dataset, but you can do this:



<body data-name="SHELL PLC" data-isin="GB00BP6MXD84" data-price="25.00" data-volume="2500000" data-time="2022-06-22:09-06">

A piece of cake. That is as easy as writing the directly.

To extract dataset into variables destructuring assignment does work.

let {name,isin,price}=document.body.dataset

I used `Object.assign` in an older project for writing several properties to the style attribute, but it works as well for the dataset property.

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Breaking the bad, pushing a worse internet (part II)

Sunday, June 21st, 2015

In an earlier post we lamented the behavior of multinationals by dropping noble classic Internet principles like Graceful degradation and progressive enhancement to strengthen their business model at a high security and privacy cost for users.

Go to a site with JS disabled and you see Nada. Zilch. On Google, on Twitter, Facebook tells us it can do much without JS. Nonsense, that is their policy, it’s not your fault.


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Breaking the bad, pushing a worse internet

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Some (and not all are alchemy wizards) are claiming that users break the internet by disabling JavaScript.

What is JavaScript? It is one of the three (technical) pillars of websites. The other two are HTML and CSS.

All have a different function:

  1. HTML = content
  2. CSS = style
  3. JavaScript = functionality

The content consists of all the text and images (and officially video and sound), the things you want on informational webpages. Style adds colours, margin, font-sizes and things like that, it makes the content more readable. JavaScript adds functionality and interactivity to webpages. Or can turn websites from informational documents into applications.

So how can users break the internet?

Of course they can’t.

Users can disable images, so browsers don’t download them. Don’ t forget to re-enable them before starting shouting on Twitter…

Users can disable CSS or override CSS which is nice for colour-blind or other visually impaired people.

JavaScript is needed for applications, like like games,  navigation or photo-editing,  and it can make informational documents more dynamic. On informational websites JavaScript is not viable, but needed to serve advertisements.

Users can disable CSS and JavaScript historically. At first because it was new and not widely supported, later because you don’t always need  it. All three types, HTML, CSS and JavaScript are served in different resources/files.  That means webpages will load faster with just HTML, instead of HTML, CSS and Javascript, because less resources have to be downloaded, and HTTP-requests are quite expensive.

CSS is nice too, but JavaScript can be an annoyance. It is a script language that executes by forehand unknown scripts (from probably different sources) on a user computer.

JavaScript impacts severely:

  • speed
  • security
  • privacy
  • costs (on  paid/metered connections)
  • battery usage on mobile devices
  • memory usage, especially on devices with less memory

If you have been infected by a virus, it must have been while visiting websites with JavaScript enabled.

So there are very good reasons  to disable JavaScript for users on at least a lot of unknown websites. You can always reload/refresh with JavaScript enabled, if you need it.

Cooking meth(ods) in business cuisines

Internet-companies read a different story: JavaScript is the fuel for their money machine. Tracking users and serving advertisements is an indispensable part of their business model, with JavaScript they can collect major users statistics. They can follow users over the internet, measure where you hover with you mouse, how long you read, how much you scroll, see what’s in your clipboard, operate your microphone or webcam, where you are, what your friends read, collect images, tracking what and how fast you type.  Yes, every script has access to that.

So companies need JavaScript much more then users. A little lie that `users are breaking the internet by disabling JavaScript` can help their business enormously, especially if you design a few sites that actually break the internet, because the sites do not work without JavaScript. Or they mix-up style with functionality. Push JavaScript and make users hooked to JavaScript. Especially target the mobile platform, because phones are a more valuable source for private information than desktops.

And if a users wants some privacy, blame the user! To disable JavaScript is a crime. You break the internet! What fear can do for you.

Smart-phones are stupid-phones and worse

A phone isn’t something you control, a smart-phone is controlled by major multinationals that run programs on your phone and collect information 24 hours a day and that info is continuously send to the cloud owned by the multinationals.

How much does a smart-phone phone home compared to real user initiated telephone calls. I would say a 100 times. Disconnect your phone from the internet, it can’t do anything any more. Stupid isn’t it? Smart means in control of some major company.

A smart-phone is a kind of ankle monitor. The new Android wear will undoubtedly have an indestructible variant for individuals under house arrest or parole.

Only the first take is free

Informational webpages that show no content without JavaScript is like delivering a newspaper without ink, well there is an accompanied stickersheet, just put the stickers on the right place. That sounds silly, and it is silly. The only way companies design such pages is that they force the users to enable JavaScript so they can collect and track and serve advertisements in return. Yes, the first browser Google designed had no possibility of turning JavaScript off. Google still blocks all extensions that users can install to block unwanted JavaScripts running on their device. Companies push apps on phones instead of letting users use webpages, because with apps they have better control and get more and easier access to detailed user-profiles.

Yes, it’s all about money. And real money isn’t made with cooking simple food like chicken nuggets or serving simple content. You need something sneaky and hidden, you need something in return.

You can be sure about one thing: bringing internet to the poor for free means multinationals want to run programs on the poor guys phones, watches and glasses too. It’s business, not charity out there.

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Browser performance and CPU load

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Chromium is using 2 cores and Opera isn’t running full speed on Sunspider JS benchmark. That is the outcome of a simple test running TOP while taking the sunspider benchmark on a quadcore (AMD 630) Ubuntu 64 machine with the three main browsers: Chromium, Firefox and Opera. Opera 11.11 is surprisingly never using more then 80% CPU while Firefox 4 is using 100% and Chromium 12 150%. A quadcore can take 400%, when all 4 CPU cycles are fully utilized. Opera is the slowest performer on the benchmark, no surprise and Firefox is somehow disabling graphical output: nearly no load on X-server, and no visual graphical output, while Opera and in a lesser extent Chromium show a lot of flickering and flashing. Opera is also putting a bigger load on Compiz, the compositing window manager for Linux, AKA 3d eye candy. But Opera, as said before, is also giving more visual feedback about downloading files and stuff with an animated icon in the addressbar.

Sunspider benchmark results

Firefox 4:	Total:		   355.6ms +/- 2.6%
Chromium 12:  Total:		   348.2ms +/- 4.9%
Opera 11.11:  Total:		   413.2ms +/- 3.3%

TOP results

Firefox 4
Tasks: 277 total,   2 running, 273 sleeping,   1 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 27.1%us,  3.5%sy,  0.0%ni, 69.0%id,  0.3%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   5093632k total,  5016508k used,	77124k free,   220824k buffers
Swap:  9055228k total,		0k used,  9055228k free,  2074600k cached

7063 user	   20   0  923m 325m  41m R  101  6.5   2:46.61 firefox-bin
2193 root	   20   0  235m 131m  32m S   12  2.6  12:11.16 Xorg
3119 user	   20   0  374m  62m  20m S	8  1.3   5:13.44 compiz

Chromium 12
Tasks: 280 total,   3 running, 273 sleeping,   3 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 44.0%us,  9.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 46.3%id,  0.8%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   5093632k total,  4856072k used,   237560k free,   217760k buffers
Swap:  9055228k total,		0k used,  9055228k free,  2011968k cached

7317 user	   20   0  880m  81m  26m R  102  1.6   1:20.46 chromium-browse
2193 root	   20   0  243m 138m  40m S   44  2.8  13:07.53 Xorg
7295 user	   20   0  519m  51m  31m R   41  1.0   0:37.04 chromium-browse
3119 user	   20   0  374m  62m  20m S   11  1.3   5:33.46 compiz

Opera 11.11
Tasks: 280 total,   4 running, 272 sleeping,   3 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 23.3%us, 11.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 64.1%id,  1.2%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.2%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   5093632k total,  4849588k used,   244044k free,   217972k buffers
Swap:  9055228k total,		0k used,  9055228k free,  2004908k cached

6051 user	   20   0  863m 428m  29m S   81  8.6  13:51.12 opera
2193 root	   20   0  236m 131m  32m R   47  2.6  13:22.27 Xorg
3119 user	   20   0  374m  62m  20m R   18  1.3   5:38.20 compiz


Seems that Opera isn’t going full throttle on benchmarks. I wonder why that is. Chromium is the only browser that is using multiple cores, but it isn’t actually much faster than Firefox. Another interesting thing is that Chromium feels the snappier browser but actually is stressing your PC more.

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Canvas Rendering: Skewing Images by Javascript

Saturday, November 8th, 2008

The new HTML5 CANVAS element gives the developer pixel-poking magic. Poke and peek are functions from the good old days that offered the only geeky way to set and read-out individual bytes in the (graphic) memory.

Sure things are better nowadays. To understand how canvas works, imagine an IMG element, of which every pixel can be set individually or loaded from a IMG source.

Opera screenshot canvas element

Opera screenshot canvas element

This means you can filter images, copy them, translate, rotate, scale, in short: a lot. It can also add drop-shadow, although at the moment this is only fully supported by Safari and partially by Opera. Probably Firefox will add support in the upcoming 3.1.


Rendering is best in Opera and Firefox. Safari and Chrome look awful. Webkits’ canvas seems designed to work only with integers while Opera and Firefox translates floats into some anti-alias rendering. Better but probably slower. Opera’s rendering is quite slow.

Update 25-02-2011

Rendering time screen:

Chrome 9 : 50 msec
Opera 11.01:  667 msec
Firefox 3.613: 2829 msec

Opera and Firefox look fine, Chrome’s rendering is jagged.